The Property Line
I have always wanted to blog and with the gentle persuasion of an awesome friend I'm going to do this!!
I'm hoping this blog can be a place where I tell stories about life. I'm very happily married to my husband Matt and we have a dog named Sawyer & 3 cats named Olive, Mia, and Watson.
I was informed that the perfect start to this little adventure would be to tell the story of the first time I met my neighbor.
Let's travel back to the fall of 2011. I had just closed on the purchase of my first house. My family is helping me move the few things I owned into the house. My Dad's police K-9 is running around in my wonderful fenced in the backyard playing with all the leaves and sticks he can find. As were hauling things from the trailer parked in the driveway, a little old lady emerges from the screened in porch of the house next door. Imagine if you will an elderly lady with short grey curly hair wearing a plastic casino visor, sweat pants, sweatshirt. To top of the ensemble, she has a large tube sock on her hand going all the way past her elbow.
The first words out of her mouth are "hey, do you know who bought that house?" We explain that I've purchased the house and will be moving in within the next few days. She then questions how many people I'll be living with, how many animals will be residing in the home and wants to know if I'm in college. I explained to her that I was single and would not have anyone living with me and that I have 2 cats. She tells me those cats belong INSIDE the house and not outside. At that moment, Bobo walked up to the fence and started barking at his interesting lady. While waving her sock hand in the air she says "Hey, is that your dog? You didn't say you had a dog!" Before I could even say anything she starts motioning a straight line on the ground from the fence to where she's standing saying "just so you know, the property line is RIGHT HERE!!! He can't come over that." Right then my Dad walks over and says "Ma'am, just so you know, that dog is a police K-9 and works for Saginaw County. He can go wherever he pleases."
I'm not sure why, but she stopped talking. She then introduced herself and shook our hands all while keeping the sock on her hand. I can only assume she was dusting her house with a large tube sock that day.
I will share many more stories of my crazy neighbor, but I think this is a good start :)